Resources for people living with cancer


Anti cancer a new way of life
author: Dr David Servan-Schreiber
Pubd: Micheal Joseph
ISBN: 978-0-718-15429-5

Dr David Servan-Schreiber,  a clinical professor of psychiatry, describes his personal experience of cancer and  investigations into how he could help his body fight the disease. 
An easy to read, evidence based, book providing many insights into what we can do to help ourselves. In short he found that "taken as a whole the mass of scientific data reveals an essential role for our natural defences in the battle against cancer". His strategy is two fold:-

  1. “Guard ourselves from the imbalances of our environment
    adjust our diet by cutting back on cancer promoters and including the greatest number of foods that help prevent, and actively fight,tumours”
  2. “Create a relationship with our bodies that stimulates the immune system
    Understand and heal the psychological wounds that feed cancer"
Help Improve your chances of being in the 50% of people who are NOT diagnosed with cancer by following his advice. If you are living with cancer, help to improve the effectiveness of your treatment by following his advice.

Miscellaneous sites

CAM-Cancer Aims to 1) provide reliable information on complementary and alternative (CAM) medicine for cancer.  2) build an international authorative network around CAM in cancer

The Clouds Trust Home of the Rene Caisse Herbal tea

CANCERactive   Britain´s Number 1 Complementary and Integrative cancer charity, empowering people to make better personal choices

Find a Herbalist A qualified medical herbalist will be able to support you before during and after treatment

Together against cancer provides support,signposting and funding to people living with cancer who are using an integrated approach to healing.

Yes To Life provides support, information and financial assistance to those with cancer seeking to pursue approaches that are currently unavailable on the NHS

Penny Brohn Cancer Care Dedicated to helping people take back control of their lives & health

The Breast Cancer Haven Provides a wide range of therapies, information, advice, workshop and classes all designed to help you cope with the physical and emotional side-effects of breast cancer and its treatment.

The Pfiefer protocol for prostate cancer is a protocol for hormone refractory prostate cancer that uses a regime of commercially available food supplements

The Chedgrave MS Therapy Centre provides hyperbaric oxygen therapy to people with multiple sclerosis, and cancer, and to help heal wounds and bones;  Read a review of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer here.

Steve Dunn's Cancer Guide  for when you need to ask the right questions

Self-Help Cancer  For those seeking to augment the treatment offered by their hospital oncology departmens

Together Against Cancer  is committed to helping people diagnosed with cancer. They equip patients and carers with knowledge and tools to empower them to take control of their own health.

Cancer Charitys
Cancer Research UK Raises money to fund cancer research and provides information about cancer

Prostate Cancer UK The largest mens health charity in the UK founded in 1996 by Professor Johnathon Waxman. The aim of the charity is to improve the care and welfare of those affected by prostate cancer, increase investment in research, and raise public and political awareness of a long-neglected disease.

Breakthrough breast cancer  Raises funds to support research  focused entirely on breast cancer. Information on:-  What is Breast Cancer, Breast cancer risk factors, signs & symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, family histroy can be found on their site.

British Lung Foundation A charity devoted to all disease of the lung including cancer. It explains what lung cancer is, what causes it, and how it is diagnosed. It provides information on symptoms and treatments, and what to expect if you are referred to a lung cancer clinic. You can also find information on financial help and emotional support.

Bowel Cancer UK Is determined to save lives and improve the quality of life for all those affected by bowel cancer.

WARPAINT4LIFE Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) is an international cancer support charity that helps women and teenagers manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment.

Cancer Care

The Royal Marsden  A world-leading NHS cancer centre specialising in diagnosis, treatment, care, education and research.
Marie Curie Cancer Care  For people living with any terminal illness, and their families. They offer expert care, guidance and support, free of charge, to help them get the most they can from life, in the time they have left.